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RADIX Press, 11715 Bandlon Dr, Houston, TX 77072
Phone 281-879-5688 email:

PART I - Order Form for Books, CD's and Video Tapes

Green Beret Magazine - Pricing

Complete Sets ISBN # Price
Hard-bound Two Part [Numbered] Collector's Edition not listed $325.00
Soft-bound Five Volume Set 0-9624009-0-4 $150.00

Separate Year Volumes

Volume I (1966) with index  0-9624009-1-2 $35.00
Volume II (1967)  0-9624009-2-0 $35.00
Volume III (1968)  0-9624009-3-9 $35.00
Volume IV (1969)  0-9624009-4-7 $35.00
Volume V (1970)  0-9624009-5-5 $35.00

We are publishing a series of Special Forces Reference booklets in three series. The Who's Who series, when completed, will cover every SF team/detachment in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam from 1954 to 1976.

Special Forces Who's Who Series

*SFA/SOA (15,000+ names) $20.00 (Third Edition) [Digital Edition]
*SF Order of Battle Draft $40.00 [out of print, see webpages by camp]
[Digital Edition] HOTFOOT/WHITE STAR $20.00
[Digital Edition] UITG/FANK $20.00 (2nd Edition) (Digital Format)
(Both White Star & FANK) $35.00
[Digital Edition] 7th SFG(A) TDY in RVN $25.00
[Digital Edition] 5th SFG(A) TDY in RVN $20.00 (2nd Edition)
[Digital Edition] 1st SFG(A) TDY in RVN $25.00
[Digital Edition] (All Three 1st, 5th & 7th) $60.00
[Digital Edition] Special Forces in Thailand $20.00
[Digital Edition] (1st & Thailand) $40.00
[Digital Edition] MACV-SOG $75.00
All above less * items $170.00
SFA/SOA W/W w/above $185.00

* only available if you have bought the GBM magazine set

Works in Progress or Under Consideration

Special Projects: (B-51, B-52, B-55, B-57, 403SOD, RECONDO, CLD) In Progress
SFOB, Headquarters Company, Staff Sections, 31 Eng., Sig. Co In Progress
Company C - Special Forces elements in I CTZ Future
Company B - Special Forces elements in II CTZ Future
Company A - Special Forces elements in III CTZ Future
Company D - Special Forces elements in IV CTZ Future
PRU - Special Forces personnel assigned to MACV-CORDS Under consideration
Project 404 - Special Forces personnel assigned to DEPCHIEF JUSMAAG THAI Under consideration
Who's Who From Special Forces in SE Asia (1954-1975) Future

The Index series will provide pointers to Special Forces awards, places and terms.

Special Forces Index Series

Special Forces Bibliography $12.00
CIB/CMB and VN Jump Wings $20.00 (Second Edition) (Digital Format)
Digital Atlas of the Vietnam War (Contact Webmaster for Details)

Planned or Under Consideration

Special Forces Men of Valor
5th Special Forces Group General Orders
Special Forces Historical Atlas
Special Forces Glossary

The After-Action Report Series will reprint AAR's from the Projects and the Mike Forces as well as special monographs on specific camps and detachments.

Special Forces After Action Report Series

History of Special Forces Participation in the CIDG Program (1961-1971) $30.00
_______ The paper version does not include the Company D Annex, which is on the CD ROM
History of Special Forces Participation in the CIDG Program (1961-1971) $60.00 (CD ROM)
[Digital Edition] Special Forces & The Montagnards $15.00
[Digital Edition] B-56 (PROJECT Sigma) After-Action Reports (In-Country) $20.00
B-52 (PROJECT Delta) After Action Reports CD-ROM $60.00
46th Special Forces Company (USASF-T) Yearbooks CD-ROM $60.00
[Digital Edition] MACV RECONDO School by Tom Halliwell $25.00
B-50 (PROJECT Omega) After-Action Reports (In-Country) CD-ROM $60.00
B-56 (PROJECT Sigma) After Action Reports (In-Country) CD-ROM $60.00
B-55 (5th Mobile Strike Force Command) After-Action Reports CD-ROM $60.00
B-16 (1st Mobile Strike Force Command) After-Action Reports CD-ROM $60.00
B-20 (2nd Mobile Strike Force Command) After-Action Reports CD-ROM $60.00
B-36 (3rd Mobile Strike Force Command) After-Action Reports (Including Mobile Guerilla Force (A-301) and Rapidfire) CD-ROM $60.00
B-40 (4th Mobile Strike Force Command) After-Action Reports CD-ROM $60.00
Ian Sutherland's History of the U.S. Army Special Forces 1952-2002 CD-ROM $60.00
MACSOG Command Histories and Documentation Study $60.00
Ethnic Minorities of the Republic of Vietnam CD-ROM $60.00
Foreign Relations of the United States 1961-1966 (Vietnam Volumes) CD-ROM $50.00
Glints of a Shining World: A Gerald Hickey Reader CD-ROM $60.00

Planned or under Consideration

Graft and Corruption
Department of Army General Orders (1962-2004)
5th Special Forces Group (Abn) Operational Reports: Lessons Learned (1965-1970)
Special Forces MOPSUMS (1962-1965) (covering TDY teams)
Specific Detachment Histories written by participants (under consideration): e.g.
MACV RECONDO School by Tom Halliwell $60.00 CD-ROM (TBA)
A-232 (Tan Rai) by Ray Striler
A-234 (Buon Beng) by Mike Holland
A-108 (Minh Long) by Richard Maxberry

RADIX is also proud to offer the following titles from other publishers:

The Official Lite History and Cookbook of the Vietnam War (formerly titled The Official Vietnam War Trivia Book) by Alan Dawson .....................................$8.00
The Official Lite History and Cookbook of the Gulf War by Gordon Rottman, Stephen Sherman and Scott Summers....$8.00
("...unique...among my most prized momentoes of the Gulf War." GEN. H. Norman Schwarzkopf)
The Official Lite Histories of the Vietnam War and the Gulf War
Both Volumes . . . $14.00
[Video Tape]
Fighting Men: The Green Berets produced and narrated by Jim Morris ......$29.95
This is Jim Morris' NEW video tape with "dramatic never-before-seen combat footage from Vietnam and Desert Storm." Jim tells the story with his usual panache. (
Elite Insignia Guide #3: U.S. Special Forces Shoulder and Pocket Insignia by Harry Pugh ......$25.00
Harry has done an incredible job identifying and cataloguing over 1000 SF related items.
The Humor of the Green Berets by
Larry Throneburg.
Great stories from a lot of guys who have some very funny tales to tell.
Volume I ..........$10.00 Volume II..........$10.00 Both Volumes........$15.00

SPECIAL DEAL: With any order above, while stocks last, you can purchase up to three (3) sets of five humorous books: Vols I&II of Larry Throneburg's Humor of the Green Berets, The Official Lite Histories of the Vietnam and Gulf Wars, and the Official Unauthorized Lite Biography of J. Danforth Quayle, each set of all five for $25.00 including shipping.

Part II-- Ordering

(Click to view shopping cart and follow payment instructions from PayPal.)

If you just want to send a check or money order, 
or if you don't want to go through Paypal for any reason
use one of the Points of Contact below:
(include a list of the items you are ordering)
RADIX Press, 11715 Bandlon Dr, Houston, TX 77072
Phone 281-879-5688 email:sherman1@flash.net
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If you don't have the Green Beret Magazine Reprint, buy it before the stock is sold out!!! 

Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to sherman1@flash.net.
Copyright © 1999-2005 Radix Press. All rights reserved.
Last modified: Friday February 05, 2016.