[Products & Services][Registration][Links & FAQ's][FNG]

for Maggie

We are compiling a database on troopers who served with Special Forces in Southeast Asia (1954-1975). If you served in other SF formations, you may complete the form and we will maintain some part of that information, but we cannot include such assignments in Maggie's "201" file.

This survey is divided into the following sections:

Fill out the information in each section as requested and submit the form. You will receive a confirmation message from us shortly with your password.

SECTION A -- Personal Information

Please complete all these questions.

  1. What is your mailing address?
    Last Name                     
    First Name & Middle Initial  
    Suffix (Jr., Sr., III, etc)if applicable)  or "Nickname"
    State          Zip Code  + Four 
  2. What are your other Points of Contact [Other than those noted in jump school]?
    Area Code   Phone Number  
  3. Did you retire from the Army? Yes No 
  4. What was your highest/retired rank?  
  5. What was your PMOS in SE Asia?  
  6. What is your Social Security Number (Optional)? 
  7. What is your Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)? 
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SECTION B -- SE Asia Assignments

Please be as specific as you can, in providing the details of your Special Forces Assignments in South East Asia.

Table of Assignments
Detachment From Date To Date Duties Rank Group Remarks
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SECTION C -- Other information

  1. Please check the statements for which your answer is "Yes."
    I have purchased the Green Beret magazine set
    I have sent copies of my orders pertaining to my SF assignments in SE ASIA.
    Please do not release my address/contact information.
  2. Please enter any additional comments regarding our products or services:

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Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions in our survey. Please review your input for accuracy.

This information will be compared to and posted to the database.

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[Dividing Line Image]

[Products & Services][Registration][Links & FAQ's][FNG][Work-in-Progress]

If you don't have the Green Beret Magazine Reprint, buy it before the stock is sold out!!! 

Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to sherman1@flash.net.
Copyright © 1999-2005 Radix Press. All rights reserved.
Last modified: Tuesday April 30, 2013.